EN 1991-1-5: 2003 - Table B.3 - Recommended values of \(\Delta T\) for deck type 3
Revision: Incorporating corrigenda December 2004 and March 2009
Note that this table contains a few typographical errors:
- Depth of slab \(h = 0.2\mathrm{ m}\) should read \(\leq 0.2\mathrm{ m}\).
- Depth of slab \(h = 1.5\mathrm{ m}\) should read \(\geq 1.5\mathrm{ m}\).
- \(\Delta T = 4.3\mathrm{ \unicode{xb0}C}\) where \(h = 1.5\mathrm{m}\) and surfacing thickness = \(200\mathrm{mm}\) should read \(4.8\mathrm{ \unicode{xb0}C}\)
Interpolation may be used for intermediate values. Interpolate to the waterproofed value for non-zero surfacing thicknesses \(\leq 50 \mathrm{ mm}\).