Concrete Material Properties — AASHTO 8th — Section 5.4

Normal weight concrete

(kg m-3)
2.4 0.145 3368 0.150 23.22 2461
3.0 0.145 3625 0.150 25.00 2461
3.6 0.145 3850 0.150 26.55 2461
4.0 0.145 3987 0.150 27.49 2461
5.0 0.145 4291 0.150 29.59 2461
6.0 0.146 4620 0.151 31.86 2477
7.5 0.148 5076 0.153 35.00 2502
10.0 0.150 5772 0.155 39.80 2543
15.0 0.155 7046 0.160 48.58 2625

Concrete grade

\[ f'_{c} \]

Unit weight of unreinforced concrete (Table 3.5.1-1)

\[ w_{c}\mathrm{\ [kcf]} = \max(0.145, 0.140 + 0.001(f'_{c}\mathrm{\ [ksi]})) \]

Unit weight of reinforced concrete (Commentary C3.5.1)

\[ \rho = w_{c} + 0.005\mathrm{\ kcf} \]

Young’s modulus (Eq

\[ E_{c}\mathrm{\ [ksi]} = 120,000 \times K_{1} \times (w_{c}\mathrm{\ [kcf]})^{2.0} \times (f'_{c}\mathrm{\ [ksi]})^{0.33} \]

Aggregate source correction factor (Cl

\[ K_{1} = 1.0 \]

Coefficient of thermal expasion (Clause

\[ \alpha = 6 \times 10^{-6}/^{\textrm{o}}\mathrm{F} \]

Poisson’s ratio (Clause

\[ \nu = 0.2 \]